MDC - Airport Road Waste Water Pumping Station and Force Main Project
This $7.5 million project included installation of a new waste water pump station system on Airport Road in Hartford and 3100 LF of new 10" ductile iron force main, abandonment of the existing pumping station and force main, permanent pavement repair and milling and overlay. Additionally, work on Wethersfield Avenue included connecting to an existing 54" sanitary sewer, 1400 LF of new 15" PVC sewer in a 15' deep steel sheeted trench, separation of existing combined sewer laterals and replacement with 1500 LF of 6" sanitary sewer and 6" storm drainage connections, cleaning and lining of 1600 LF of existing 15" sanitary sewer, replacement of 1250 LF of 16" ductile iron water main, permanent pavement and milling and paving of all work areas.